MANAGE, Hyderabad has launched a new initiative called the “Certified Farm Advisor/Certified Livestock Advisor” program to develop Agricultural Extension Personnel into Specialists in a particular Crop / Livestock.
The program consists of three Modules. The first module is on basic aspects of the latest technologies in Crop /Livestock. The candidate enrolled for the program has to undergo online training for about 3 months which will be conducted by MANAGE. Thereupon, the candidate can opt for any particular crop or enterprise to become an expert in that specialization. List of Crops for Specializations
I had enrolled in Millet Crops and undergone this program. If you like to do this course, you need to Apply Online.
However, specialization training will not be taken up unless a minimum of 20 candidates is enrolled. Based on the choice of the crop/enterprise, the candidates will be sponsored to relevant ICAR institutions/SAUs or any reputed institute to undergo training for a period of 15 days. During the training, the candidate will have in-depth knowledge and learn the latest technologies relevant to the selected crop/ enterprise.
As I had opted for the Millet crop, so undergone training at the Indian Institute of Millet Research, Hyderabad for 15 days. In this period I had the in-depth knowledge and learned about millet technology, it’s processing, and value addition.
After completing rigorous training, the candidate will be allotted to Mentor Scientist/s from the concerned Research Institute for a period of one year for technical guidance to face the field level challenges. On completion, the candidate’s Knowledge will be assessed based on the identified parameters to be declared as “Certified Farm Advisor” or “Certified Livestock Advisor” by MANAGE and technical partner.
I had the opportunity to work under the mentor scientist of IIMR, Hyderabad, and completed a project on “Utilisation of Finger Millet in Nutritional Security. Really, It was great learning where I visited the farmer’s field and could address their issues and problems and demonstrated the technique and good practices in millet cultivation.
Eligibility for Enrolment in Certified Farm Advisor Course:
Any Extension Officer/Agripreneur with B.Sc (Ag) or Graduation in the allied sector, up to an age of 55 years are eligible for enrolment. Fee: For Government, Servants is Rs.5000/- and for private candidates and Agripreneurs, it is Rs.15000/- per candidate to be paid in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of MANAGE, Hyderabad.
The Government employees have to send their application through proper channel. The filled-in application may be sent to The Deputy Director (OSPM), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 30.
Expected outcome of the Certified Farm Advisor Course:
Really, I was grateful to be the Master of Ceremonies of the National Workshop on Nutri-Cereals held at Krushi Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on 16th October 2019. It was a successful event which had attracted dignitaries, renowned resource personnel, and a representative from the different esteemed organization from various states.
In the end, I must say that the Certified Farm Advisor Program on Millets has boosted my confidence and knowledge of Millets.